The first Cisco Live event in three years is now in the books, and we had the pleasure of attending. In this post, we’ll cover some highlights of the event and continue the productive conversations we had in our booth.
From June 12-16, our team was in Las Vegas for Cisco Live. While the event was a little smaller than Cisco Live events in the past, it was still a great return to in-person tradeshows.
The week was a whirlwind – complete with demoing our provisioning solution, building relationships, and hosting events. Here are some of the highlights.
Cisco Live 2022: Overall Impressions
Overall, Cisco Live 2022 was a great event for our team at Akkadian Labs. We were excited to finally be able to return to Cisco Live in-person after a long two-year hiatus. It was a great opportunity for us to build awareness of our valuable, time-saving provisioning solution.
This event truly is the premier event for UC engineers and CUCM managers, so we always feel right at home. We had a lot of our current customers come by our booth all week to say hello and talk shop.
While we received a lot of comments about how our products make our customers’ lives easier, we also heard some very useful feedback on improvements we can make. Many of those discussions will lead to future product updates and new features down to road. These interactions with our current customers and partners are critical, and they really speak to the value of these in-person conferences.
With that said, let’s get into some of the details of our time at Cisco Live 2022.
Akkadian Events: Speaker Sessions & Happy Hour
Our team was fortunate enough to be able to host a couple of events at the conference:

#1. Speaker Session: The Future of Automated UC Provisioning
We hosted a speaker session in the Collaboration Village.
Our own Chief Product Officer, Tom Bamert, gave a great presentation on the future of automated UC provisioning and the impact automated provisioning solutions can have on UC and IT teams at large enterprises.
#2. Happy Hour
We also hosted a happy hour at the Mandalay Bay Casino on Tuesday afternoon after the World of Solutions. It was a great way for us to catch up with current customers, partners and new prospects. It also was also a great time for our team to catch our collective breath and pause for a few moments to reflect on the event thus far.
FAQs at the Akkadian Labs Booth
Our team worked hard at the booth from start to finish. We had a lot of visitors come by for demos of our automated provisioning solution. We answered a lot of questions and laid the groundwork for some fantastic new partnerships.
Even in 2022, we’re still surprised by how many people out there that are still doing manual provisioning in their Cisco UC environment. Nonetheless, we’re always happy to introduce people to automated provisioning and how it can make their lives easier. Here are some of the most common questions we got at the booth.

#1. How can Akkadian Provisioning Manager help me and my team avoid manual provisioning work?
The short answer here is – automation. Our Provisioning Manager product integrates with Cisco Collaboration (CUCM, Unity Connection, CMS, etc.), all the Webex apps, and all the Contact Center apps to take repetitive, manual work completely off your plate, so you and your team can focus on more strategic initiatives.
This avoids errors, enforces consistency, and helps make your UC team more productive in the long run.
#2. Can I securely offload provisioning work to my HelpDesk?
Yes! Secure role-based access for specified jobs is a main feature of Provisioning Manager. This allows you to offload provisioning tasks to your HelpDesk without any risk of outages or service disruptions – accidental or malicious.
#3. Does your solution integrate with Microsoft Active Directory or Service Now?
Yes! Our solutions have native integrations with these essential tools.
Conclusion – Thanks to Everyone Who Visited Us
To wrap up, Cisco Live 2022 was a rousing success and a great way to return to in-person conferences. We can’t wait until next year. Thank you to everyone who showed up at the booth for a demo of our automated provisioning solution. And thank you to everyone who showed up at our happy hour and speaker session events.
By now, we’ve followed up with most of you, but if you’re still waiting to hear from us – know that we’ll be reaching out shortly. If you didn’t get a chance to swing by our booth to demo our provisioning solutions, get in touch with us. We’d be happy to take you through a custom demo to show you what automated provisioning can do for your business.