- UC provisioning is painful
- IT teams spends a lot of time on provisioning
- Conflicting demands make provisioning work more burdensome
- IT pros want to automate as much as possible
- Automation can lead to significant savings

UC Automation Survey
What Your Peers are Saying about UC Automation New survey reveals frustration due to excess time spent on UC provisioning Do you ever find yourself frustrated by the time you spend on provisioning Unified Communications (UC) systems? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, IT professionals (who are already under pressure to cut IT costs) described spending up to a quarter of their time on UC user management. Related: Calculating the ROI on Provisioning Tools Many likened the experience to “being stuck in a traffic jam.” Streamlining of UC provisioning emerged as an attractive option, with respondents stating workflow automation could result in substantial cost savings and reallocation of time to more worthwhile tasks. The survey collected opinions from over 300 IT professionals, 87% of whom work at organizations with more than 1,000 employees. Survey Highlights: