Akkadian Labs White Papers

Enhancing Security and Mitigating Risk for Cisco Collaboration Technologies
Best Practices for Risk Mitigation in UC
This paper looks at ways to mitigate risks in UC. It examines how InfoSec policy can expand to include collaboration, which has not usually been considered in an entity’s overall security posture.

5 Ways UC Provisioning Solutions Align with Broader IT Initiatives
Beyond Automation of MACDs
Software solutions designed to streamline the provisioning of unified communications user accounts are often thought of as providing narrow operational efficiencies. However, this white paper illustrates how UC automation not only eliminates complex, repetitive manual provisioning tasks, but also supports broader IT initiatives.

What Your Peers are Saying about UC Automation
Survey Reveals Frustration Due to Excess Time Spent on UC Provisioning
IT professionals expressed frustration over time spent on provisioning Unified Communications (UC) systems, according to a recent survey. Respondents, who are under pressure to cut IT costs, described spending up to a quarter of their time on UC user management.